How do I request a refund?

  • Updated

We always care about our users and are happy to help with any questions that can arise in the process of using the application. If you experience any issues, please contact our Support team, and we will provide you with the necessary information or assistance.

If you still want to request a refund, the necessary steps are described below. To view them, select your purchase method: 

  • ❗️Before proceeding with your refund request, make sure you cancel your subscription first. You can learn about the process of the cancellation here. Once that is done, then kindly inform us of the precise reason for the refund.

    We would appreciate it if, in addition to the refund reason, you could also share your feedback on the experience using the application. Your input will greatly aid us in enhancing our product, addressing any inquiries you may have, and expediting the processing of your request.

    After submitting the refund request, our Billing Team will review it and notify you whether your application is approved.

  • If your subscription is an In-App Purchase, it is purchased from and billed by the respective App Store (e.g., the Apple App Store or Google Play), not by us.

    An In-App Purchase is subject to the terms, conditions, and other licensing arrangements specified by that app store provider. As such, you'll need to take up any payment-related issues or refund requests directly with the app store provider.

    To request a refund through App Store, you will need to request this directly through Apple. Here are the instructions on how to do that.

    To request a refund through Google Play, please check your necessary steps here.

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